Here’s what could possibly be the best typo to ever run in a major newspaper:


In a profile of 85-year-old Ralph Lamb, a famous Las Vegas sheriff, the Los Angeles Times let a glaring typo slip through the, er, cracks in yesterday’s print edition.

LA Weekly has an explanation for the typo, which we think only improves the story and gives the profile that real slice of humanity the journalist was probably looking for.

La Times Assistant Managing Editor for Copy Desks, Library and Standards Henry Fuhrmann explained how the mistake happened:

…The mistake occurred at the final stage of production. The article had already been copy edited (and, yes, spell-checked). The copy editor decided, for reasons of appearance, to move the drop cap (i.e., large capital letter) from the paragraph in question to a position three paragraphs lower. In changing the computer coding involved, he also inadvertently changed the spelling.

Yep, that makes perfect sense, bro.

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