5 Unique New Year Resolutions That Must Be Done In Victoria
Ok, we all know the usual New Year's resolutions by heart...
- Lose weight aka Eat Healthier
- Quit smoking... (Both Legal and illegal "cigarettes")
- Take A Class and Learn something new.
- Get More Disciplined In Accomplishing Goals
- Save Money and Get Rid of Debt
- Make more time for family
- Lose the stress
So, after hearing these every year, I've decided to come up with 5 new and challenging resolutions that can only take place in the Crossroads. So, take the challenge with me and let's make 2023 the year you and Victoria get to know each other a little better.

1. Get Your Photo/Selfie taken in Five Victoria Landmarks - Show off your city and yourself at some of Victoria finest places! This will be an easy one to check off your list. Get a nice sunny day and go for it!
2. Try A Different Restaurant In Crossroads each month in 2023 - Victoria has a lot of great places to eat already! And, even more are popping up! Treat yourself to new things and you'll also be supporting local businesses!
3. Attend 5 different events in Victoria in 2023 - So many great events happened in 2022 in Victoria: St. Jude Winter Wonderland, Cinco De Mayo Guac Fest, Boo Bash (to name a few). The Victoria Public Library also hold plenty of events through the year. so, take advantage of this opportunity to get out and mingle in yoru community.
4. Volunteer for A Keep Victoria Beautiful Clean-up - You hear about these on local TV and we mention on all of our Townsquare radio stations here in Victoria. So, what are you waiting for - HELP OUT! The Clean-ups are usually on Saturday mornings and are a great way to volunteer your time.
5. Let Go of All Beefs You Have in the Crossroads - Why waste your precious time and energy in 2023 on hate? Victoria is a smaller town and you are likely to bump into the source of your "beef" at the HEB Plus. Let it go. You can even reach out to make amends if you are feeling generous. Life is too short and our community is too tight for all the nonsense. So, make this resolution right now - it is not too late!
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