Cameron Simcik is a graduate of Bucknell University. She has written for Her Campus and is currently the Philadelphia Travel City Editor for The Daily Meal and a contributing writer for TheFW and GuySpeed.
Cameron Simcik
15 Dogs Who Are So Ready For Fall
With Labor Day just over a week away, it's time to face the facts-- summer is coming to an end way too soon. But even though we won't be able to wipe out on Slip n' Slides too much longer, there are still tons of awesome things we can look foward to in the Fall, and apparently dogs are so ready for it.
10 Awesome Examples of Finger Art
We know art comes in all sorts of forms, from the grumpy to the banana variety. But something we don't see all-that-often is the kind that uses your own fingers as the canvas.
13 Koalas That Will Make Your Week Way Cuter
It's times like these when we're really jealous of our friends Down Under, because how awesome would it be to have native koalas casually roaming around? Answer: almost as awesome as it would be not awesome to be stung by one of those insta-kill jellyfish they've got down there.
10 Adorable Puppies On the Attack
Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, stop. We're about to make your day a whole lot better, although we can't really take ownership over the adorableness that's about to ensue-- this one's all on the animals. Are you ready? It's puppy attack time!
11 Awesome Tattoos of the Minions from ‘Despicable Me’
If you've never seen 'Despicable Me', take it from us-- you need to, if only to fall in love with the adorableness that are the minions.
Grumpy Cat Meets Disney In Hilariously Depressing Art
Besides being the Web's funniest downer, Grumpy Cat has also been a source of artistic inspiration ever since he claimed fame. How Tarter Sauce so effortlessly gains a huge fanbase, we have no idea, nor are we questioning. The famous kitty just has some sort of magical 'oomph' to him, which is why these Disney-meets-Grumpy-Cat pictures are so fitting.
10 Unfortunate Bowling Fails
Bowling is like a right of passage; you've gotta wear those extra smelly shoes at least once in your life. Ya know, for the semi-gross experience. Not to mention the actual game is pretty fun, too. The thing is, it's also very fail prone. But we ain't complaining!
11 Amazing Etch-A-Sketch Creations
Etch-A-Sketches are one of those childhood toys that never go out of style. If you're like most people, a few hours' worth of entertainment usually produced some pretty bad art, although it never really mattered. But there are the select few who are really good at Etch-A-Sketching. Like, really really good.
15 Animals Who Are Tired of Your Nonsense
In case you haven't noticed, us humans are really annoying, especially when it comes to pets. We dress 'em up in embarrassing costumes and bathe them til they hate us and honestly? We can't blame them at all for retaliation.
11 Animals Who Are Totally Over It
We all have those days when we're just over it. Maybe you're done with the traffic, bad weather or the fact that nothing can go right today. It happens to the best of us, and animals definitely aren't excluded.
12 Wet Cats Who Probably Hate Their Owners
We all know cats are quirky little creatures. For starters, they have a knack for imitating 'Shark Week' and 'The Great Gatsby Catsby'. We're not saying that stuff is weird or anything, it's just that cats always bring an element of hilarity to these sorts of situations. This also includes bath time.
12 Tattoos That Celebrate ‘Shark Week’ Every Week
If you're just now emerging from a deep slumber and have no idea what's going on in the world, here's an FYI: one of the greatest weeks of the year is upon us. (Cue the 'Jaws' theme song.) Happy Shark Week, shark fans!