Donald Deane has held a variety of jobs, including college English teacher, newspaper reporter/editor, internet project manager, dishwasher and dogcatcher. He now writes exclusively and has contributed to AOL TV and Moviefone among others.
Donald Deane
Check Out This A-Z List of the Best Movies Ever
We love movies as much as the next guy, but let's face it -- there are far too many out there to keep straight. We're fortunate, then, that the fine folks at Cool Material have created an A-Z list of the best flicks ever. Now if somebody could just update our Netflix queue for us, we'd be golden.
The 10 Best Video Game Couples Ever
Anyone who argues that video games are full of senseless violence and lack genuine emotion simply hasn't spent enough time with a controller in their hands. In fact, many games are driven by heartfelt love stories at their core. Some are cute and Disney-esque, while others are doomed from the start in the tradition of Greek tragedy. Either way, the video game romances we present here are all epic
The 10 Funniest Celebrity Meltdowns Caught on Tape (NSFW)
Let's face it -- as much as we identify with celebrities, we don't really know them. That's why public meltdowns, where they show their peevish, arrogant and sometimes crazy sides, are so darned fascinating. When this happens, our perception of celebs can change forever. Think about it -- will you ever be able to watch 'Braveheart' again without recalling Mel Gibson's racist rants? We think not.
Drunk Mom Creates Unintentional Social Commentary On Young Parenting By Getting Stuck in High Chair
We've done some dumb things after a night of drinking -- ask us about our butterfly tattoo -- but getting stuck in a piece of furniture (as far as we can recall) isn't one of them. That's not the case for our heroine today, though: a drunk 31-year-old mother, who intentionally wedged herself in a high chair and had to be rescued by the fire department.
The 10 Weirdest Pokemon Ever
To the uninitiated, Pokemon may seem awfully cute and cuddly. But true fans know there are weird, silly and sometimes downright horrifying creatures lurking in the Pokedex. Given that there's currently more than 600 characters in the pocket monster franchise, there are bound to be a few misfits, right?
Kindly Red Robin Waiter Gives Free Meal to Expectant Mom
Christmas may have come and gone, but the spirit of giving is alive and well at Red Robin, where a pregnant woman recently got a free meal and a sweet note on her receipt from the restaurant's manager.
Science Offers Explanation for Rudolph’s Red Nose
Have you ever wondered how Rudolph got his red nose? Well, Dutch scientists have finally explained the mystery. Turns out, the reindeer's shiny nose is the direct result of "hyperemia of the nasal mucosa." Way to take all the magic out of Christmas, science.
The 10 Craziest Christmas-Themed Video Games
Christmas-themed video games might seem like the best way for developers to cash in on the holiday season, but there's a conspicuous lack of these titles on the market. Believe it or not, this is a good thing, because the vast majority of Christmas games to date have been pretty bad and, what's more, inexplicably weird.
Engineers Discover Highest Possible Height for a LEGO Tower
Although it's something we've never wondered ourselves, engineers at Open University in the UK recently discovered how high a LEGO tower can go before the bricks at the bottom are crushed under the weight. Here's a hint -- it's pretty darn high.
Hallelujah! Pope Benedict Joins Twitter
Pope Benedict XVI may be the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church with a tradition dating back more than 2,000 years, but that doesn't mean he's not up on the latest technology. In fact, the Vatican recently revealed the pope's Twitter handle and said that he'll start tweeting to followers on Dec. 12.
Can Tap Water Give You Allergies?
Clean water is something many of us take for granted, but a troubling new study suggests that pesticides in tap water may be responsible for a recent increase in food allergies.
Half of All Airline Pilots Admit to Falling Asleep While Flying
Let's face it, we've all come pretty close to nodding off at work. However, there are certain professions -- say, airline pilot -- where taking a quick snooze just isn't acceptable.