Danny Gallagher is a freelance writer, reporter, humorist and all around nice guy living in Texas who is a regular contributor to TheFW and has also contributed features, essays and stories to Maxim, GameTrailers, Aol, TruTV's "Dumb As a Blog," Cracked, Mental Floss, CBS' "Mancave Daily and Spike. He also likes puppies and cookies. He can be found on the web at www.dannygallagher.net and on Twitter @thisisdannyg.
Danny Gallagher

How to Make a Honey Badger Costume for Halloween
Halloween is on its way, and parties are bound to pop up. The only problem is that you don't have a costume. You could throw on a dirty old bedsheet, cut a few holes in it and tell people you're a beige ghost. Or you could actually be clever and in-tune with what's happening and hip (as the kids say) by going as viral video star the honey badger.

18 Signs That You’re at an Awful Barbecue
Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial start of summer, and that means it's time for one of our favorite things: grilling. Sometimes, however, what should be such a simple process can go horribly wrong.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’
The shadow cast by Michael Jackson’s bizarre personal life and legal troubles may have eclipsed most of his career but it still could not blot out the shining triumph of his song and music video 'Thriller.'

Discovery Channel Fires ‘Dirty Jobs’
One of the Discovery Channel's longest and dirtiest series will apply for its last job this season.

Baby Kidnappers Foiled by Family Dog
A family in Indianapolis, Indiana faced a moment that all loving parents dread. Fortunately, their dog spared them from the ultimate horror.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Alfred Hitchcock
Just try to imagine what the modern movie would be like if the world had never seen the work of legendary director Alfred Hitchcock. Murders would take place off-camera to spare audiences who have yet to be desensitized by the sight of blood puddles. Seemingly tranquil animals would always live together with humans in peace and harmony. Shower scenes would be tacked on and gratuitous.

72-Year-Old Chinese Grandfather Models Women’s Clothing
So now that your grandfather is in the twilight of his life, how does he occupy his time? One grandpa in China models clothes for an online store that sells high end outfits to women.

Bacon Could Become Even Better, Thanks to Genetics
Bacon is one of the few foods on this Earth that is perfect and beautiful all by itself, it doesn't need seasoning or melted cheese. However, that hasn't stopped some scientists from trying to make it even tastier...

A Rubber Chicken Has Become NASA’s Most Famous Working Astronaut
NASA has had a rough year. Their budgets have been slashed. They retired their last space shuttle. Private space programs by entrepreneurs like Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos and billionaire Richard Branson are coming very close to putting people in outer space on their private shuttles. Now NASA is hoping that one rubber chicken can reinvigorate America's interest in its space program.

Dallas Mavericks Owner Mark Cuban Issues a $1 Million Challenge to Donald Trump
The big "October Surprise" that Donald Trump promised would shake up the presidential election turned out just to the Donald looking for more attention.
Now another rich guy has joined the million dollar charity challenge. This time, however, it's Trump who's getting "double dog dared" to do something for money.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Halloween
Shakespeare described the "witching hour" as a time "when churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out." Spooky! Equally esteemed author Washington Irving described Halloween night in his classic 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' as a setting full of "fearful shapes and shadows...amidst the dim and ghastly glare of a snowy night." Kids all across the country describe it

10 Things You Didn’t Know About ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’
Few cult films have been able to define the term as clearly as 1975's Halloween classic ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show.’ Decades after its release, toilet-paper toting fans still show up week after week at midnight screenings across the globe dressed in fishnet stockings and full makeup. They not only watch the same movie they’ve seen hundreds of times, they also act it out and throw props at the