GuySpeed Editors

Can You Guess a Porn Star or Politician By Name Alone?
Everyone knows that one person with a really unfortunate name — Dick Swetts, Jack Goffs, and Matt Sterbates of the world are automatically the butt of endless jokes.

These Optical Illusions are Definitely Worth Another Look
Optical illusions are defined as “visually perceived images that differ from objective reality.” Basically, your mind is playing tricks on your eyeballs. Or vice versa. How the hell should we know, we’re not doctors. We had to look up optical illusion in a dictionary.

Check Out MMA Fighter Ronda Rousey’s Hot Twitter Pics
MMA fighter Ronda Rousey first appeared on our radar, and on our desks, when her naked body graced the cover of Sports Illustrated’s Body Issue.

These ‘Funny’ Boat Names are Pretty Horrendous
Funny boat names are permissible because, if you’ve got the disposal income to purchase such an expensive item, you can name it whatever the heck you want. That doesn’t mean we won’t make fun of the choice.

Marilyn Monroe Lives — Women Who Look Like the Famous Bombshell
Marilyn Monroe left this Earth fifty years ago this week.

Airline Crew Gets Martial Arts Training to Handle Unruly Passengers
Hong Kong Airlines recently announced that their cabin crew are now fully trained in the Wing Chun form of martial arts. The airline began the initiative to train its in-flight staff in March 2011, in a bid to handle unruly passengers.

Can You Guess the Famous Cleavage?
The chest in the picture above belongs to a famous actress, producer, director and singer. She first appeared on television as a kid and has grown (chest and all) right before our eyes.

Best Video Games of 2012 (So Far)
It’s no stretch to say that 2012 has some of the best video games of all time. While we still suffer from a glut of video games before the holidays and right at the end of every year, game publishers are finally starting to learn to spread the releases out a bit. Thanks to stiff competition the first quarter of the year is starting to become a haven for gamers, with a ton of AAA titles released fo

Jennie Garth — Still Got It?
Oh, Jennie Garth, you were a goddess on ‘Beverly Hills, 90210. ‘According to Kelly Taylor’s Wikipedia page, she was a “spoiled teen vixen.” Yes, we thought it odd that a fictional character had her own Wikipedia page too.