Johnny Thrash, also known as "The Thrashman," is a rabid fan of rock and metal. He loves the Cowboys, Rangers, Mavs, and Stars. Give him a cold beer, a good steak and a ball game and he's set! Hit him up at
Johnny Thrash
Watch: Powerful Texas Floodwaters Sweep Semi Away
Everyone needs to see this video.
And the Drunkest County in Texas is…
Let’s talk about a subject that is near and dear to my heart.
Watch as a Tornado Makes Its Way Across the Texas Prairie
It’s been a rough year for severe weather, and we're only halfway through peak storm season.
A Car Being Pulled by Horses is the Most Texas Thing on the Internet
As the old saying goes, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Dallas Cowboys Fan Makes Bold Statement During NFL Draft
This fan is saying what a whole lot of people have been thinking for a long time.
Abandoned Austin Neighborhood is Straight Out of the Apocalypse
What is going on with this neighborhood?
Man Finds Texas IHOP Abandoned, Makes His Own Meal
It’s hard to believe this really happened.
Texas Drivers Juke and Jive During Road Rage Incident
This is the first time I’ve ever seen a car get juked by another car.
Watch: Brawl in Dallas Leads to Intense Shootout
That escalated quickly.
The Most Charming Small Town in Texas
There’s just something about small towns.
How Texas Compares To Other States For Conspiracy Theorists
I’ll be the first to admit to loving a good old-fashioned conspiracy theory.