Update on Project Elevation 2012
I went out to the Escobar house in Port Lavaca Saturday and was there for about three hours. That three hours went by very fast and I came away with a real perspective of time and what can be done with even the smallest amount.
When I got there everyone was doing something...
Project Elevation 2012
Recently, more than ever, it seems that people are looking to be a part of something bigger than themselves. I personally believe God is awakening the hearts of the young and old alike to put action to their hearts desire – to help others in need and be a light unto the world of the Love that is intended for all of us...
Clearing up the CrossFit Cult Controversy
I wanted to write about this because it is a recent subject that is now personal. I am a CrossFit Woman (hear me roar!) so when I heard that there were certain people who believe CrossFit to be a cult I was shocked. Then I was like, “Oh, I get it...
Movie Review: ‘Bridesmaids’
My sister and I went to see Bridesmaids last night. I typically don’t like to comment too much on movies or give too many props for fear that I will set others up to expect something they don’t get. But I feel very confident that will not happen here.
American Idol? Not with that Attitude…
I don’t blog often but every now and then, I get on a soapbox. I would like some feedback, too. What did you think of Haley Reinhart’s performance on AI last night? Or, rather, her reaction to the judges’ review of her first performance...
Market Days this Weekend
Enjoy a beautiful day OUTSIDE this weekend at Victoria Market Days! Victoria Parks & Recreation makes it possible every 3rd Saturday in the Spring in Riverside Park.
This weekend they will have live music by Kevin Anthony. He plays a little country and folk music too...
Tanning: My Real Concerns
When it comes to tanning beds, I have only one real concern. The first tan of the season. Yeah, I’m not real concerned with the health issues because, let’s be honest, what CAN’T be bad for you these days?
I’m all about natural sun. But I’m not about showing my ashy white “coming out of hibernation” skin tone my first time in a swimsuit. I like to be prepared with at least a slight golden tone. An
Our Pet of the Day: Charlie
Charlie is the newest member to our family. We adopted him in early December from Dorothy O’Conner Pet Adoption Center.
It’s funny how it happened. We weren’t even looking actually. My sister has four dogs that she has adopted from DOCPAC and two of them were in the Christmas Parade. My son walked one and my nephew who works at DOCPAC walked the other.
When I went to drop my son off at the cente
Co-worker Co-existence: The Psuedo-Boss
There's one in every office. I've had enough jobs to know this to be fact. There's a rotten egg in every basket, a sore loser in every game, and the above mentioned personality in every office.
It's that person who demands respect, but has little to offer...
Co-worker Co-existence: The Drama Mama
One pet peeve regarding co-workers is the co-worker that brings everything to work. This is the person who literally anytime something is going a little wrong, everyone will know it.
Pharmacies – Can’t live with ‘em, Can’t live without ‘em
We are a family who does not get sick. Seriously, my kids didn’t go to the doctor once in 2010. So, because it is rare we have to go to the doctor, it is rare we deal with a pharmacy.
Well, last week my son was sick and was prescribed antibiotics. When I went to the pharmacy (I won’t name it), I got there at 7 P.M. The prescription had been faxed over at 4 P.M. but it wasn’t ready yet. The tech as