Patrick Bateman

Stuff Your O-Face With ‘Adults Only’ Marshmallows
Kraft is generally considered to be a family-friendly brand that errs on the side of being tame (read: lame), but the food and beverage conglomerate has turned that approach upside down down under with this Australian TV spot featuring what appear to be naked bodies and a line worker calling out in ecstasy.

Spicy Reaction GIFs to the World’s Hottest Vodka
We’ve seen a lot of vodkas come down the pike lately that appeal to foodies of all varieties – ranging from the sweet to the salty (sometimes both), from the crazy to the disgusting. But, if you’re looking to relive those childhood memories of suffering through sucking a Fireball or Mega Warhead, we suggest the Naga Chilli Vodka, which has been called the World’s Hottest Vodka.

Party People Break Ice By Humping With Balloons
How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice. We once had a girl respond to that question with, ‘What’s a polar bear?’ Either she was the best troll ever or she was dumb as rocks. We’ve found a new ice breaker that is going to become a national sensation. You thought Suck ‘n’ Blow was intense, this one might end up in a worldwide baby boom pandemic.

Sarah Silverman Will ‘Scissor’ a Mitt Romney Supporter For $100 Million
Of all the female comedians out there, Sarah Silverman might have the biggest balls. Actually, that’s sexist. She’s got bigger beans than most male comedians. This publicity stunt could be her ballsiest move to date.

Brazilian Soccer Team Requesting Blood From Fans
Sports is serious business – it generates a ton of revenue and fanfare. A team’s branding, color scheme or logo is sacred – followers hold it dearly. You mess with it and you’re bound to get crucified by legions of diehard loyalists. But a Brazilian soccer team is kicking caution to the wind by tweaking its look to help drive blood donations.

Guinness Debuts New QR Code Pint Glass
Marketers have been slapping QR codes on just about anything and everything to tap into the mobile media market.

How to Act Like a Model On Twitter
Ah, the model life. Some think it’s simple and luxurious but ask just about any model and she’ll rattle off a laundry list of #hotgirlproblems – from the high level of travel required, their restrictive diets, and, of course, creepy dudes staring at them.

Listen to a Hilarious ‘Clean’ Version of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’
E. L. James’ trilogy “Fifty Shades of Grey” continues to create buzz almost a full year after its release. A couple weeks ago, it was banned by a library in Florida, causing soccer moms to kick up their crazy level. Then, innocent cutesy Disney Star Selena Gomez spoofed it with, ‘Fifty Shades of Blue.’
Now, the erotic S&M-laden novel series gets a thorough scrubbing by radio show ‘Kid Kraddick
![Help Wanted: Adult Film Company is Looking For Writers [UPDATED]](
Help Wanted: Adult Film Company is Looking For Writers [UPDATED]
There are a handful of dream jobs out there – personal lotion applicator to Kate Upton, nipple puffer for Bar Refaeli, masseuse for John Travolta… wait, what? But, one of the most underrated professions has to be Adult Film Writer.

Worst Parents Ever Put Kid in a Washing Machine
There are entire websites dedicated to parenting fails and while most appear to be harmless, some make you question just how long the victimized kid will live in such a dangerous environment. Take this video of a couple parents who put their kid in a washing machine at the laundromat as a way to teach him a lesson. Seems like a funny prank at first, but then the auto lock system kicks in and every

Who Is the Hot Girl In The Nike Free Run Commercial?
Nike’s always been known for pumping out some truly memorable commercials, but we’ve become used to their stylized productions. That is, until this spot for Nike Free Run jogged onto our TV sets.

What’s Rihanna Sucking On in These New Photos?
You might have a pretty sweet life but it would be tough to compare it to the life of photographer Terry Richardson.