Sarah H.
Mom of Three is Mom To Be
I have been absent this summer. I’ve been a LITTLE busy! First there’s the whole 3 children thing. Who knew they could be so much work?! Then there was another little thing called MORNING SICKNESS. Whoever invented that term obviously has NEVER been pregnant.
Yes, that’s right, I said morning sickness We are expecting our 4th baby in January. We feel incredibly blessed and yes, we are very excite
Stay At Home Mom, Work Abroad Dad
This blog has taken me a really long time to write. I can honestly say that I have spent more time thinking about it and working on it than I have in any other writing assignment I have ever had. The reason for this is that I had some really inspiring women give me their stories. I want to do their stories justice and I want to convey how awesome they are and I started over about 10 times on this
Kindergarten Graduations and Mother’s Day
I have been absent the last few weeks, but it’s not because I haven’t wanted to write, it’s because I just haven’t had time! I can give you a million excuses, but here are just a few.
I have been planning my sons Kindergarten Graduation. While I am so excited to see him ‘graduate’ and wear his little homemade graduation hat and stand with his classmates, I have to wonder, if planning a graduation
Mom and The Easter Bunny
My very practical 5 year old son thinks that the story of the Easter bunny is utterly ridiculous. He doesn’t buy the whole "bunny-bringing-candy-filled-eggs" thing at all.
He’s a very logical little boy and he informed me that there was no way a bunny lays eggs and then hides them for little children to find. His exact words were, “Mom, bunnies aren’t interested in eggs or kids. They ar
Mom’s Work is Never Done – Kids and their Birthdays
Having 3 kids, we’ve planned a few birthday parties. For some, we have gone all out and for a few it has just been a small dinner with close family.
My daughter’s birthday is on Christmas Eve so it’s always tricky to try and plan her party. Do we do it before Christmas or after Christmas? Do we invite all her classmates even though it’s so close to Christmas? One year she decided she wanted a lua
Kids Say (And Do) The Darnedest Things
As a mom, you love your kids unconditionally, but they sure can embarrass you sometimes! Just the other day, standing in line at the checkout at HEB, my Bowen, who is 2, pointed to a bearded man standing behind us and YELLED, “That man looks like a billy goat! That billy goat STINKS!”
Talk about wanting to run away! I was so embarrassed and couldn’t even turn and walk in the other direction becaus
Mom’s Pearls of Wisdom
This is 'take two' for me. I was almost finished typing my blog and my 2 year old pressed the power button on my laptop. Of course, I didn’t save it and I couldn’t find the recovery file! Never a dull moment around here!
The first call I made upon the erasing of my blog was one of desperation to my mother. She is my ‘go to’ girl for anything that I need advice about. What better person than one w
Housework, The Never Ending Battle
My least favorite aspect of being a mom and wife is HOUSEWORK. Yuck! I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the quote, ‘cleaning house while you still have children is like shoveling the drive while it’s still snowing’ but that is exactly how it is!
If I clean while the kids are at school, it’s much easier to get it done, but as soon as the walk in the door, it looks like an explosion of backpacks, sho
How Moms Keep It Together
My kids are always saying funny things. If you are my friend on Facebook, I’m sure you’ve seen me quoting them from time to time.
The idea for this blog comes from my 5 year old son. He is my rambunctious child. He’s all boy and he’s constantly on the go and trying to entertain himself (yes, sometimes at the cost of others)...
The Morning Of A Stay At Home Mom
I’m a stay-at-home mom. When I tell people that, I get a lot of “What do you do all day?” I really wish I could say that I do nothing, that I sit around and watch soaps and internet shop all day long.
In all honesty, at the end of the day when I look back, I haven’t gotten anything noticeable done. I’m sure my husband wonders what I do all day, too. So I decided to write down every single thing I