Cole Ohrt son of Garrett and Julie was in a Polaris accident on December 21st. He sustained a spinal cord injury. He is currently in San Antonio and underwent cervical spine surgery to stabilize his vertebrae. He has a long road of recovery ahead of him. Cole is fourteen years old and loves to be outdoors. He will be back calf roping with all these prayers. His family and friends know all things are possible through Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. Several friends and family have set up different ways to raise money to help his family with the cost of hotel, food, and travel expenses. Here is a list of different ways you can show your support for this young man below.

Cole's Benefit Account - New First National Bank - make checks payable to Garrett or Julie Ohrt.

A Go Fund Me Account has been set up. Please click here to donate.

Raffle tickets- Cowboy Tough Cole Strong. Drawning to be held March 11th. 1 for $25.00 or 5 for $100.00. Kimber Solo Carry DC with laser and gun case donated by Victoria All Sports. Louis Vuitton - Never Full Large Tote with Removable Zipper Clutch  Donated by Jack & Leslie Crews, Richard & Melanie Weischwill, Jimmy Zaplac & Dawn McFaddin. For tickets call Leslie at 361 -645-4808, Dawn 361 564-8359 or Jimmy at 361 550-7322

Tshirts, caps, or koozies -- coming soon.

Cowboy Tough-Cole Strong" bracelets - - contact Jamye Carroll Muegge for more details

Benefit Team Roping - January 12 in Gonzales Texas. Books will open at 6pm, and roping starts at 7pm sharp. 3 head for $60.00. Prizes, buckles, guns, and much more. For more info call Nena Boettcher at 281-468-8973

Benefit with live auction, entertainment, meal - more details to come - May 5 - contact Leslie Hoff Crews for more details call Leslie at 361 -645-4808



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