High School Baseball Team Trapped 11 Rattlesnakes On Field Since August
The baseball team at Valencia (Ca.) West Ranch High School is very aware of all the potential dangers on a baseball field: errant cleats, bean balls and, you know, rattlesnakes. Since August 11, the team has dealt with 11 rattlesnakes on its home field. Incident records show the school had only 17 rattlesnake disturbances in the seven years prior to August. West Ranch’s coaches and brothers Casey and Brady Burrill have learned how to wrangle the slithery critters so as to keep their team safe:
"We've had them on the field, in the dugouts, on campus," Casey Burrill said. “The strategy is sneak up behind with a long landscape rake, pin him and the other gets the head with a shovel. It's definitely a two-person event."
It's like a hit-and-run play: great when it works, but bad things happen when it doesn't. Is there any anti-venom in the dugout? Maybe the team needs to call Samuel L. Jackson.