Wow! The Biggest Baby Born In Texas Weighed How Much?
Women are amazing and have my respect. They go through a lot. For example, pregnancy and childbirth. We all have a mother who went through labor to bring us into this world and what I've come to find out could make even the toughest among us cringe.
According to the parenting website Kid's Health, most babies born between 37 and 40 weeks weigh somewhere between 5 lbs. 8 oz. to 8 lbs.13 oz.

The Today Show reported a baby boy born right here in Texas that weighed more than 16 pounds. Talk about a Texas titan. Baby JaMichael was born in Longview at the Good Shepherd Medical Center. Although this article dates back to 2011, researchers haven't been able to find a baby in the state of Texas weighing more.
Baby JaMichael no doubt picked up the nickname "Moose" and, according to his parents Janet Johnson and Michael Brown, the family had to scramble to make provisions for the baby. Most everything they had purchased turned out to be too small for JaMichael.
He may be the biggest baby born in the Lone Star State (thus far) but believe it or not, he is not the biggest baby who has ever been born. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the record for the heaviest baby born happened back in 1879 to mother Anna Bates. The child weighed a staggering 22 pounds and measured 28 inches.
Mothers have my respect. Maybe things are bigger in Texas - even the babies. There's just one thing that remains on my mind. Can you imagine changing those diapers?
For a slideshow homage to baby JaMichael from Youtuber awebn4, look below.
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Gallery Credit: Stacker