Texas, according to this KXAN article, has a little over 100 school districts currently, or soon to be adopting, a 4 day school week, and the number looks to continually be growing in the coming years as competition for teacher recruitment and retention becomes a much more competitive struggle for communities across the Lone Star State.

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The education industry is not the only workplace that has embraced and/or explored the possibility of 4 day work weeks as many in fields like the Austin tech industry have already adopted less rigid schedules than what the nine to fives offers.

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I can personally say as someone in a creative industry, I would whole heartedly welcome a 4 day work week, but as a working father of 3 small children, I am terrified of the potential stresses that could enter the homelife by being forced to accommodate the kids being out of school one workday each week.

These Texas Schools Now Offer 4 Day Weeks

Both of the Killeen and Temple Independent School Districts have been debating the prospect of adopting a four day school week for quite some time, and they are not alone as the discussions have been ongoing in other Central Texas communities like Salado, Waco, Copperas Cove, and Jarrell.

Right now in Central Texas, only Academy ISD, Marlin ISD, and Rockdale ISD are on a four day week, with Rogers ISD offering hybrid.

There are another 100 school districts also making use of the new schedule, and you can check them out here.

Whopping 6 Texas Cities Including Number One Among List Of Fastest Growing And Most Affordable

Detailed list of the 6 Texas cities that top the list of fastest growing and most affordable in the United States according to Go Banking Rates.

Gallery Credit: Noah

States of Violence: Violent Crime Per 100,000 Ranking by State

The DeMayo Law Office recently combed through the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Crime Data Explorer to determine which state had the most violent crime over five years (2018 - 2022.) Here's the complete list, counting down to the most violent state in America.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

Are You Moving To Temple, Texas? Be Aware of These Annoying Things

I was excited to move to Temple and start a new chapter in my life, and while life here's been good so far, the moving part...well, not so much. Here are a few things I learned that might help you out if you're looking to make this place home.

Gallery Credit: Tommy Paradise