Jackie O’s Love (Letters) Sold At Auction For $134,500
Who says you can't buy love? The teenage love letters of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis have sold at auction for a whopping $134,500, according to auctioneer Christie's.
Twenty-two signed letters and one telegram to R. Beverley Corbin, Onassis' Harvard boyfriend, were snatched off the auction block by an anonymous French woman, according to Christie's.
The auctioneer said the letters were written when Onassis was 16 and 17, and the then-future First Lady wrote about her time at Miss Porter's Boarding School in Connecticut and joked about how she would never send her children to boarding school.
In an Oct. 3, 1946, letter, Onassis wrote, "The boys can go to P.S. 148 with gangsters, and then go to Columbia and the girls can go to Hunter College and they'll all be morons but at least they won't have to tear around and get their teeth knocked out playing hockey every day ... Can you think of anything worse than living in a small town like this all your life and competing to see which housewife could bake the best cake?"
The letters detail Onassis' cooling affection for Corbin, and on Jan. 20, 1947, she wrote, "I've always thought of being in love as being willing to do anything for the other person - starve to buy them bread and not mind living in Siberia with them -- and I've always thought that every minute away from them would be hell -- so looking at it that [way] I guess I'm not in love with you." Ouch, Jackie. That's harsh.
In the final letter, Onassis announces her engagement to John Husted, which lasted for only several months in 1951.
The only details about the letters' new owner is that she is a huge Onassis fan.