Justin Theroux Is the Latest Guy to Make Jennifer Aniston Cry
Jennifer Aniston, who seemed destined to be forever remembered as the woman Brad Pitt abandoned for the more pillowy-lipped confines of Angeline Jolie, is so happy to be engaged to actor Justin Theroux that she shed some tears when speaking about him Monday night to her friend Chelsea Handler on 'Chelsea Lately.'
During the interview, Aniston misted up and described herself as "verklempt."
Handler isn’t exactly known for her warm fuzzies, but even she couldn't help but be sensitive and superlative about Jen's joy, saying, "He's the greatest guy ever. You guys make the greatest couple ever." (Brangelina might dispute that, seeing as how Jen and Justin don't have their own celebrity mash-up name yet -- which we're pretty sure is a prerequisite for "Greatest Couple Ever" status.)
Aniston recently showed off the rock that she got from Theroux, her 'Wanderlust' co-star. The bling, estimated to be worth 500 large, is around 8 carats. So if Aniston's left arm seems to be hanging a bit lower these days, that could explain it.
As for her upcoming wedding, there's a rumor circulating that Aniston invited former mother-in-law Jane Pitt to be among the guests. The two are still close, so we'll assume that even if Mama Pitt attends, she won't play the doting grandma and pull out pics of Maddox, Pax, Sneezy, Dopey and Doc and pass 'em around at the reception.