Amanda entered Mary Lopez in our Favorite Teacher Contest.  Mrs. Lopez is a Teacher's Aide at Aloe Elementary School.  Here is what Amanda had to say, "Mrs. Lopez has been assisting in teaching for 30 plus years.  She works at Aloe Elementary in the special needs department.  I believe she would appreciate this, and she deserves it.  Her hard work and dedication to her students is about and beyond.  She strives to help each student everyday, and put smiles on their faces at the same time.  During holidays she is always festive, decorating as well as dressing up in full costumes.  The children adore it!  Mrs. Lopez is a truly dedicated and loving person.  Although I'm sure she knows how loved and appreciated she is, this would definitely put a smile on her face, and how much we appreciate her."  Thanks Amanda, Mrs. Lopez thank you for going above and beyond!


It's that time of year again!! School is right around the corner, and our teachers are hard at work getting ready for the upcoming school year. This year Q92 The Beat and Victoria ER are teaming up to honor your favorite teacher. Winners will be picked every Friday for the month of August beginning August 10th. Your favorite teacher could walk away with a prize bag with Victoria ER supplies, $50 gift certificate to Johnny Corino's, $20 gift card to Courtesy Car Wash, $50 Indigo Day Spa gift certificate, and some school supplies. That's a pretty good prize bag for those teachers. You'll definitely make them feel appreciated for all their hard work during the school year! To nominate your favorite teacher enter below.

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