Man in Brazil in Trouble After Dressing Up Like His Aging Mother to Take Her Driving Test
Welcome to PopCrush's Daily Break! Here's a breakdown of today's hottest pop culture and lifestyle stories as heard on PopCrush Nights, airing across the country. Check out a hilarious driving test scam, a Super Bowl Sunday petitions and more , below!
Man in Brazil Busted for Dressing Up Like His Mother to Take Her Driving Test
A Brazilian man named Heitor Schiave was arrested for dressing up as his 60-year-old mother, Marie, so that he could take her driving test for her after she repeatedly failed the exam.
“He tried to be as natural as possible. He wore lots of makeup with his nails nicely done and wore women’s jewelry,” the New York Post writes. And natural he was, because the 43-year-old man was able to fool the staff into letting him take the test. It wasn't until the driving instructor noticed that the person driving didn't look like the picture on the ID that she figured out it was a scam.
The Son of the Year contender was charged with fraud and misuse of someone's identity. (via NY Post)
Happiness Is a Jonas Brothers Album Sequel
The Jonas Brothers are working on a sequel to their hit album Happiness Begins. See their announcement, below:
Should Super Bowl Sunday Be Moved to Saturday?
A study by The Workforce Institute Foundation found that more that 17 million employees planned to skip work the Monday after the 2018 Super Bowl. Following the revelation, and noting that Monday is also a school day, 16-year-old Frankie Ruggeri has started a Change.org petition with the hope to persuade the NFL to move the championship game from its typical Sunday slot... to Saturday. Ruggeri claims the change in schedule would bring more money for the league, allow more people to travel to the host city for the game and result in more television viewership. (via People)
The Late Kobe Bryant Had Big Plans for His Daughter
The recently passed Kobe Bryant had been making future plans for his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, who also died in the fatal helicopter crash on Sunday (Jan. 26), by filing to trademark her very own basketball nickname.
Kobe filed for the name "Mambacita" on December 30, 2019 (the nickname mimics his own, "The Black Mamba"). The plan following the trademark deal was to put the name on all sportswear. (via TMZ)
Emoji License Plates?
A democratic representative from Vermont has proposed a bill that would introduce emojis to license plates. Rebecca White wants drivers to be able to add one to six emojis to their license plates. This would be added to the combination of letters and numbers that the State's Commissioner of Motor Vehicles would already assign to the car. (via Engadget)