Man Runs 50-Mile Marathon With Mouth Wired Shut
Brandon Mulnix wasn’t going to let a little thing like having his jaw wired shut get in the way of completing a 50-mile marathon.
The 32-year-old from Lowell, Michigan made it to the finish line of the 50 mile North Country Trail Run in roughly 12 hours, despite having his jaw wired shut ten days prior to fix complications from a previous injury. He was only able to take in liquid nutrition before the race.
Mulnix had actually had bowed out of the same race the year before after 25 miles due to fatigue – but with a fully-functional jaw.
“As an experienced ultra-marathon runner I wanted to challenge the community by doing something extreme,” Mulinix explained.
Perhaps because he couldn’t celebrate his accomplishment with a big meal, he participated in a 5K run the next day.
[via Yahoo!]