This Houston Cemetery is Located at a Busy Intersection
This Houston Cemetery is Located at a Busy Intersection
This Houston Cemetery is Located at a Busy Intersection
Imagine driving down the street in the middle of a big city and seeing a cemetery right next to an auto part store. This is exactly what you will see when you are driving Long Point Drive in Houston! WHY IS IT THERE? Heinrich Hillendahl emigrated from Germany in the early 1850s, at the time, this was prairie land...
You Need to Keep the Weeds in Your Lawn
You Need to Keep the Weeds in Your Lawn
You Need to Keep the Weeds in Your Lawn
It's springtime, so homeowners in Oklahoma, Texas and across the United States are out manicuring their lawns and getting ready to groom their garden beds. Part of this ritual is spraying the yard for weeds, but experts are urging homeowners to keep the weeds in their lawns.
Texas Mayor Charged With Drug Trafficking Near Mexico Border
Texas Mayor Charged With Drug Trafficking Near Mexico Border
Texas Mayor Charged With Drug Trafficking Near Mexico Border
The Mayor of Progresso, Texas, Gerardo "Jerry" Alanis Martinez, was arrested and charged with conspiracy to possess more than 5 kilograms of cocaine. According to, intent to distribute carries a possible punishment of no less than 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10 million...

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