Supermarket Offers to Pay Employees Pizza Instead of Money, No One Is Pleased
"Will work for food" has met "Will you work for food?"
A supermarket in Australia has come under fire after a manager asked his employees to work for free in exchange for pizza.
The manager of a Coles supermarket posted a note with the request.
As you may imagine, this offer didn't go over too well, with several employees contacting their local union to complain. One union rep said the note was "unacceptable."
The good news is senior officials with Coles "are aghast that he actually took this step and they have taken steps to make sure not only that it doesn't proceed but that it doesn't happen again." Coles also released a statement, condemning the proposed method of payment:
ABC Radio Perth initially broke the story and you can hear the subject discussed below.
The strange payment also caught the attention of people online, some of whom elected to tell Coles what they think of the deal.
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