The hottest month of the year is upon us, but thankfully Amazon Prime has you covered with plenty of new movies and shows to keep you occupied while you take refuge in your blessed, air-conditioned living room.
Growing up means realizing that we don’t live in the Jetsons’ version of the future, with instant meals and flying cars, but one that’s run by data and analytics. Hollywood has been inching into the data game, as companies develop software that has the ability to use information from a screenplay or a trailer to predict box office ticket sales. In the future, robots might be choosing our movies for us. It’s already happening now.
It’s been a head-scratcher since its announcement, and Woody Allen’s Amazon TV series will either bring sweet relief, or further confusion as early as September. The newly titled Crisis in Six Scenes has an official September premiere, along with new details of the Miley Cyrus-led series.
In an attempt to go toe-to-toe with retail giant Amazon, Best Buy has announced plans to implement a new price-matching system to combat the ever-growing trend of online shopping.
The web has opened a new portal for original shows and movies, particularly on sites such as Hulu, Yahoo and Netflix.
Now Amazon has joined the race by putting together ideas for shows of its own.