We're taking nominations for the BEST administrators and teachers at East and West High School for a chance to win a years supply of Dr. Pepper Cream Soda.
Sometimes a TV character will fire off a line of dialogue that is so good you find yourself quoting it the next day. The Huffington Post’s TV critic Maureen Ryan has compiled a list of her 11 most memorable TV lines of 2011, which includes remarks from the likes of ‘Parks and Recreation’s’ Ron Swanson, ‘The Office’ cut-up Jim Halpert, and ‘Breaking Bad’s’ meth-dealing teacher Walter White.
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When Ivon Padilla-Rodriguez netted $100,000 in tuition money for winning a Dr. Pepper sponsored football-throwing contest during halftime of the SEC championship game, she was overcome with emotion.
Right after taking the prize Padilla-Rodriquez was interviewed, and the University of Nevada student showed her appreciation by tearfully declaring to a national television audience, “Dr. Pepper is ser
For those of you who preferred sleeping in to sleeping outside of Best Buy — we feel you! Thankfully, there are just as good Black Friday deals online as there are if you’d wait on line for hours just to get in — and a lot of PopCrush favorites are on sale!