Judge Orders Gross 64-Year-Old Rapist to be Physically Castrated Judge Orders Gross 64-Year-Old Rapist to be Physically Castrated After excessively raping and impregnating a 14-year-old girl, a horrendous 54-year-old man has been ordered to be physically castrated.pookspooks
You Won't Believe This is the Most Stolen Item in TexasYou Won't Believe This is the Most Stolen Item in TexasIf you have this on your person, make sure you keep it safe. Especially in Texas.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Car Company Refuses to Help Track Stolen Car with a Baby InsideCar Company Refuses to Help Track Stolen Car with a Baby InsideThe owner of the car owed a small amount of money so the car company refused to help police track stolen car with a baby inside.pookspooks
Mom Charged With Stalking After Catfishing Own Daughter OnlineMom Charged With Stalking After Catfishing Own Daughter OnlineThe woman was a basketball coach at her daughter's school. Donny MeachamDonny Meacham