It's going to be an awesome time this Friday morning at Splashway Waterpark. They are going to attempt to break the Guinness Book World Record for largest swim lesson. The record breaking attempt starts at 10am and you must pre register online at www...
Kelly Gneitling is a three-time United State's national champion in sumo wrestling and has the 405-pound frame one would expect of a man who holds those titles.
On Sunday, he'll run the Los Angeles Marathon in an an attempt to snag a Guinness World Record for the heaviest human to finish a 26.2 mile race.
With all of the iterations of Mario Bros. and the spin offs it has produced, it should be no surprise to anyone that Mario has been voted as the greatest video game character of all time.
Easily one of the most recognizable characters throughout several generations of gamers, the familiar red hatted plumber has become an icon among even those who would be considered casual gamers.