lady gaga

Which New Song in April 2014 Is Your Favorite? – Readers Poll
Which New Song in April 2014 Is Your Favorite? – Readers Poll
Which New Song in April 2014 Is Your Favorite? – Readers Poll
Welcome to April 2014! It's a new month, which means new songs to download and new singles hitting the radio. So which of these new songs will be the next big hit this month? Which one stands out to you the most? Let's take a look at some the candidates. And if you would like to hear all of the songs on the poll, we've assembled them in a Beats Music playlist which you can listen to right here. Re
Demi Lovato Accuses Lady Gaga of Glamorizing Eating Disorders
Demi Lovato Accuses Lady Gaga of Glamorizing Eating Disorders
Demi Lovato Accuses Lady Gaga of Glamorizing Eating Disorders
Lady Gaga's controversial SXSW performance, which saw her being vomited on by a performance artist while performing 'Swine,' has drawn its fair share of criticism. Demi Lovato, who is the de facto spokeswoman for the issues that affect our youth, took to Twitter to accuse Gaga of glamorizing eating disorders with her antics and behavior.
Anderson Cooper Reveals Why He Is Afraid of Madonna + He Got Drunk With Lady Gaga [VIDEO]
Anderson Cooper Reveals Why He Is Afraid of Madonna + He Got Drunk With Lady Gaga [VIDEO]
Anderson Cooper Reveals Why He Is Afraid of Madonna + He Got Drunk With Lady Gaga [VIDEO]
Anderson Cooper has interviewed everyone -- Eminem, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Adele -- that's anyone in music. On last night's (Feb. 17) episode of 'Watch What Happens Live,' the interviewer of all interviewers, who also gets sit down time with major politicos, revealed why he is afraid of his friend Madge and how he got drunk with Ma Monster when he interviewed her!

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