Memorial Day became a federal holiday in 1971. Here is a look at how Americans have celebrated through the years while also honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
The servicemen and women of our country make huge sacrifices to fight battles on our behalf and keep the freedoms we hold dear. One of those sacrifices is being away from their families and loved ones for long periods of time.
As Memorial Day opens the gate to summer, we all begin to plan our outdoor activities. Most of us will find a reason to get outside for the long weekend and enjoy food, friends, family and some delicious beverages. And really, it wouldn’t be a summer holiday without some grilling.
Memorial Day was created to commemorate all the American servicemembers who have died while serving our country. With so many military men and women currently on dangerous overseas assignments, it's also a time to think about their sacrifice, and the sacrifice of their families back home.
The service men and women of our country make huge sacrifices to fight battles on our behalf and keep the freedoms we hold dear. One of those sacrifices is being away from their families and loved ones for long periods of time. The only thing that makes this sacrifice bearable for most is the incredible sweetness of coming home, even if it is only for a short leave.