Say Goodbye to 2016 With a Laugh: The Year’s Best News Bloopers Are HereSay Goodbye to 2016 With a Laugh: The Year’s Best News Bloopers Are Here2016 may not have been everyone's favorite year, but in these closing days at least we have this to make us smile.Staff WriterStaff Writer
News BloopersNews BloopersAnother month, another collection of cringeworthy news bloopers that makes you wonder why these people got into TV in the first place.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Extra, Extra! It’s the Best News Bloopers of 2015 — Part 2Extra, Extra! It’s the Best News Bloopers of 2015 — Part 2The hits just keep coming.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Don’t Change That Dial — These Are the Funniest News Bloopers of 2015Don’t Change That Dial — These Are the Funniest News Bloopers of 2015Time to take a look at the best moments of the year in hilarious screw-ups by reporters.Staff WriterStaff Writer
2015’s Best News Bloopers Are Reason to Celebrate2015’s Best News Bloopers Are Reason to CelebrateThe end of the year brings a slew of best-of lists, but this worst-of compilation is what will send 2015 on a high note for you.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Stay Classy With the Best News Bloopers From August [VIDEO]Stay Classy With the Best News Bloopers From August [VIDEO]There's not a whole lot introduce here, just another great roundup of all the bloopers, misspoken statements and slapsticky moments seen on TV news shows around the world in the last month. Staff WriterStaff Writer
July 2015 News Bloopers Are Journalism Done Wrong. So Very Wrong.July 2015 News Bloopers Are Journalism Done Wrong. So Very Wrong.The extreme summer heat got you down? Why not take a load off by watching the best TV news bloopers from July?Staff WriterStaff Writer