spring break

Victoria DWI Task Force On Patrol for Spring Break
Victoria DWI Task Force On Patrol for Spring Break
Victoria DWI Task Force On Patrol for Spring Break
It's Spring Break in the Crossroads, a time to rest, recuperate or, in some cases, blow off a little steam. That likely involves enjoying an adult beverage or two but, before you go a little too crazy, keep in mind that Victoria law enforcement is out looking for you.
Spring Break, A Lake, And A Bike [VIDEO]
Spring Break, A Lake, And A Bike [VIDEO]
Spring Break, A Lake, And A Bike [VIDEO]
Spring Break isn’t just for kids its for adults, too. Matt Apodackis is a guy who can pull off some crazy stuff... he rode a bike off a fishing pier into the lake this past Sunday. I think the funniest part was his first try when he didn’t make it to the lake and fell over. I felt bad for laughing because he was a little injured but he was a good sport and got back up and tried one more time. When
How Are You Spending Spring Break?
How Are You Spending Spring Break?
How Are You Spending Spring Break?
It’s Spring Break and I know many of you are taking the time off from the daily chaos to just relax and spend time with your families. Many people go camping or take a trip somewhere to celebrate their spring break while others are taking a “staycation” and keeping close to home...