With Kellie saying 'yes' to Allen's question of will she marry him, she's already thinking ahead to a certain phrase when they go to exchange their vows!
Summer is flask season: they're great for outdoor concerts, for afternoons in the park, for adding a dash of rum to your coke while you sit on the beach, among many other warmer-weather activities. We found you five.
From the overpriced flowing white dress to walking slowly down an aisle while music plays to throwing a garter into a crowd, weddings are filled with rituals that would make no sense if you saw them in any other place.
We nominate this story for 'Story of the Week.' An 11-year-old girl got the ultimate birthday surprise one day when she returned from school. Her dad, who is dying of cancer, walked her down the aisle in a surprise wedding at their home.
A lady decided to do a "seductive" dance down the aisle to her own version of "Crazy B----" by Buckcherry, and now it is being called the white trashiest wedding in history. (NSFW, btw.)
Over the weekend, scores of base jumpers headed to Fayetteville, WV, to leap off the New River Bridge as part of an annual celebration known as Bridge Day. But one couple made their leap especially memorable by tying the knot first. Hey, who are we to judge? Stranger things have certainly happened at weddings before.
Peggy Marie Pence Schuster and Henry O. Freund first felt a spark between them back in 1950 when the pair attended Southwestern of Memphis (now Rhodes College).
They exercised their young love by sitting next to each other in class and attending school events together. But like many college sweethearts, their romance didn’t make the jump into the real world. Soon after graduation, Marie married so
White Castle has become a go-to spot for Valentine’s Day dates, and a couple in Louisville, KY has taken that tradition a step further by having their wedding in the popular fast food chain. Mazel tov! Pass the onion rings.