A Story Out Of Dallas, TX Is A Becoming A Warning To Ladies This Holiday Season To Pay Attention To Your Drinks If You're Planning To Go Out With Friends
Lovers' quarrels can go from 0 to 100 real quick, but it seems like this one started at 100. Ladies, don't do this and guys get ready to cringe.
Things weren't going well for this Chinese couple and the scorned woman decided to take matters into her own hands.
There's an old stereotype that women enter into pornography because they have deep-seated issues relating to childhood abuse or addiction. However, nobody had ever actually tested the emotional well-being of female porn stars. Until now—and the results may be surprising.
A man in Jensen Beach, Florida got picked up by police before he picked up any chicks.
Twenty-year-old Anthony Hernandez admitted to police he stole an 18-pack of Bud Light from a 7-Eleven on Monday in the hopes he could use the beer to "score some women."