
Police Investigate Texas Judge After Daughter Posts Video of Beating [GRAPHIC VIDEO]
Police Investigate Texas Judge After Daughter Posts Video of Beating [GRAPHIC VIDEO]
Police Investigate Texas Judge After Daughter Posts Video of Beating [GRAPHIC VIDEO]
A family law judge in Texas is now under investigation after his daughter posted a video of him beating her with a viciously beating her in 2004 for downloading music and games off the internet. The nearly eight minute video shows the judge whipping his daughter with a belt and getting more irate as she refuses to bend over the bed to get beaten.
YouTube’s Pronunciation Manual Wants to Embarrass You [VIDEO]
YouTube’s Pronunciation Manual Wants to Embarrass You [VIDEO]
YouTube’s Pronunciation Manual Wants to Embarrass You [VIDEO]
If you saw the so-awful-it’s-sublime movie ‘Showgirls,’ you likely remember the scene in which someone compliments Nomi’s dress and she says, “Thanks! I bought it at Ver-sayce,” completely and embarrassingly butchering the pronunciation of designer label Versace. If you’d like to recreate that moment for yourself, the YouTube channel Pronunciation Manual is here to “help.”
Hear Rebecca Black’s ‘My Moment’ Without Auto-Tune
Hear Rebecca Black’s ‘My Moment’ Without Auto-Tune
Hear Rebecca Black’s ‘My Moment’ Without Auto-Tune
On Tuesday, viral sensation Rebecca Black released the bubblegum ballad ‘My Moment.’ That single and her mega-viral musical confection, ‘Friday’ both seem to be heavily auto-tuned, leading many to wonder if Black can actually sing or if she’s just the result of clever studio production.
Lady Gaga Kicked Off YouTube
Lady Gaga Kicked Off YouTube
Lady Gaga Kicked Off YouTube
Is Lady Gaga guilty of video piracy? Well, not really. But she is guilty of a technical oversight that resulted in her popular YouTube channel getting the (temporary) hook.

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