The Director of ‘Monsters University’ Will Make a Movie About Elves for Pixar
What happens when Disney throws a party for itself and everyone is invited? The answer is D23, this weekend's trade show-slash-Disney party with new teasers, news, and footage from the company's expanding lineup of Marvel, Star Wars, and Pixar properties. We've already seen a few updates on Wreck-It Ralph 2 and The Incredibles 2, but for the sequel-phobic among you, there was also a pretty high-profile announcement of Pixar's upcoming original feature.
According to IGN, Pixar has added a new film from Monsters University director Dan Scanlon, one that seems to blend Pixar’s magical world-building with some of its most mature content to date. The Playlist transcribed part of Scanlon’s comments at D23, so here’s what the filmmaker had to say about his film:
In the film, we’re going to tell the story of two teenage elf brothers whose father died when they were too young to remember him. But thanks to the little magic still left in the world, the boys embark on a quest that will allow them a chance to spend one last magical day with their father.
As noted in the IGN article, Scanlon’s own father died when he was very young, so like the best Pixar movies, this untitled film will likely tap into some of the sadness and joy that bridges the gap between childhood and being an adult. If that seems a little heavy for your little ones, there’s also the joke - noted by The Playlist - that the world of Scanlon’s film will be run amok with unicorns, to the point where they are basically the rodents of that world. It’s about time someone took a shot at those stupid horned horses.
Oh yeah, and don't forget to follow ScreenCrush this weekend for all the best news coming out of D23. As if you didn't already know that.
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