Victoria Butcher Gives His Advice on Potential Meat Shortages
Peruse the internet and there are lots of trending stories regarding possible meat shortages ahead for the future in the United States. Because we are all in uncharted waters and I was blown away by the toilet paper shortage, I asked local butcher, Raul Garcia, a butcher at Dick's Food Store, here in Victoria for his advice. He said I could share it with you.
Here is how Raul sees it.
" Meat shortages are all over the news in part because of meatpacker plant shutdowns like the one in Illinois. It started with pork and now it's going to beef, because there is no one there to work at the packer plants." Raul offers further, " We're not seeing a shortage in Victoria right now and Dick's goal is to try to do everything we can for our customers to stay ahead especially to keep our prices low."
However, Raul does offer a cautionary tip.
" If there is a shortage, meat prices might increase."
According to Raul he thinks the potential shortage might mean higher meat prices.
"We will be able to get meat, but at what cost to the customer?" Raul asks aloud. "We can get it, but will you be willing or able to purchase it if prices increase. Keep an eye on it, because we just don't know."
Raul offers that this might be a good time to stock a small freezer with meats you normally use if you're worried.
Otherwise he offers one last tip. " Wear your masks."
All of which is food for thought. Thank you Dick's for allowing us to come and visit, thank you Raul for your candor and for taking time out of your day to speak to the community.

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