Those rumors that Beyonce and Jay-Z shelled out $1.3 million to Lenox Hill hospital’s maternity ward in order to have exclusive access when giving birth to Blue Ivy, which caused headaches for other new parents? Not true, according to a rep for the hospital.

While Bey and Jay certainly have the means to have done so and given the fact that they are first time parents that dealt with a previous miscarriage, the hospital says they didn’t accept any diva antics or payouts.

A rep for the facility told TMZ that “the suggestion that the couple paid $1.3 million to rent an entire maternity floor is simply not true. The family is housed in an executive suite at the hospital and is being billed the standard rate for those accommodations.” So it is true that the Carter Family did procure a private suite.

The rep did acknowledge that the Carter family “does have its own security detail on site. However, the hospital has been and continues to be in control of managing all security at the facility. We have made every effort to ensure minimal disruption to other families experiencing the births of their own children over the past three days.”

That last statement is hotly contested, if you believe press reports. Plenty of non-famous couples used the hospital over the weekend to give birth and experienced issues due to increased security detail put in place for Blue Ivy. The rep did take care to address these stories, as well, saying, “Lenox Hill Hospital takes patient privacy and safety very seriously. And while we congratulate the Carter family on the birth of their child, we value the loyalty of all our patients and always strive to ensure a positive experience, knowing that the birth of a child is a wonderful moment producing memories of a lifetime.”

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