Jeremy Taylor

Do You Hunt or Fish? — Survey of the Day
Thanks to the frontier spirit that helped found this nation, hunting and fishing are pretty ingrained into the American psyche.
But how many folks in the United States still participate in these outdoor activities?

Ron Swanson Loses Mustache For Good Cause
Fans of ‘Parks & Recreation‘ know that Ron Swanson has shaved off his mustache. But what seemed like a tragedy at the time may end up benefiting pediatric cancer patients.

How Many Drinks Do You Have a Week? — Survey of the Day
According to a new survey from Gallup, 66 percent of adults drink alcohol, up from 64 percent last year.
But are these Americans who imbibe enjoying the occasional glass of wine or are they pounding beer after beer?

Do You Live Paycheck to Paycheck? — Survey of the Day
Thanks to the great recession more folks are living paycheck to paycheck than they were in rosier economic times.

High School Senior Combats Bullying With ‘Good News Only’ Twitter
Kevin Curwick is a senior at Osseo High School in Osseo, MN. He’s also the captain of the school’s football team — which makes him an unlikely candidate for cyberbullying.

How Did You Meet Your Best Friend? — Survey of the Day
Sometimes best friends have an interesting story about how they met. Sometimes they don’t.
But, no matter what, to be best friends means you did meet at some point.

Hilarious Five Guys Burger Review Gets the Autotune Treatment
Recently a video review that YouTube personality Daym Drops did of Five Guys Burgers and Fries went viral, thanks to Drops’ enthusiastic embrace of the restaurant chain’s greasy fare.
While the video is quite entertaining, it’s six minutes long, a tough sell in today’s climate of instant gratification. But never fear – The Gregory Brothers have remixed the review into a more manageable two minute

We Like This ‘Baby Got Back’ Supercut and We Cannot Lie
Sir Mix-a-Lot’s ‘Baby Got Back’ is one of those songs that’s hard not to sing along to, no matter what your opinion of women with prominent posteriors is. But no boozed-up rendition of the 1992 hit is going to be able to touch what you just saw in the supercut above.

Cat Interrupts College Lecture By Crashing Through Ceiling
In this hilarious video, students at Costa Rica’s University of Peace are being lectured on something called “theory of change.” If it was anything like our college courses their minds are wandering and they’re getting a little drowsy. Then, suddenly, a cat crashes through the ceiling in the front of the room, sending the class into hysterics. Ceiling cat strikes again!

Coach Kicks Hot Coeds Out Of Stadium During Football Practice
There is little more brutal in a free society than football practice in August. The Tigers of the University of Missouri were going through that horror show when, on the horizon, appeared two coeds, tan and lithe.
The shapely ladies were running the steps of Faurot Field. Or were they just visions? Pleasant thoughts that dance about the brain right before it shuts down with heat stroke?

Bears Break Into Cabin, Drink Over 100 Beers
For teenagers, a popular rite of passage is going up to a buddy’s summer cabin and seeing how much beer they can drink. Apparently bears like to do this too, as a Norwegian family learned the hard way.

Should Kids Go to School Year-Round? — Survey of the Day
The two-and-a-half-month summer vacation that kids get was a mid-19th century compromise between rural school districts, which had children who needed to help out on the family farm, and urban districts, which often dealt with extreme heat in the summer.