No Foul Smells Allowed on Christmas and Other Odd TX Holiday Laws
Hey Texas, are you breaking these laws during your holiday parties?
It might be time to review ten of the most hilarious Texas holiday laws that you might be breaking without even knowing they existed!
While most of these laws would be hard to enforce, just check out #5, it's still worth a read, even if it's just for a chuckle. I mean, just check out #1!
#1. No Drunk Santa Clauses: Did you know in Houston, it's against the law for a Santa Claus to be in public while under the influence of alcohol? I would bet, a drunk Santa Claus on on any street in Texas would likely get into trouble, and of course, ruin the holidays for a lot of kiddos if they saw it happening!
Can Santa put himself on the naughty list?
#2. No Snowball Throwing: In San Antonio, it's illegal to throw snowballs, which is pretty annoying since Texans very rarely see snow so of course the first thing Texans want to do is throw snowballs. Well, maybe the second thing, after trying to build a snowman.
#3. No Decorated Trees Blocking Traffic: In Texas, it's against the law to place a decorated Christmas tree in the middle of a road if it may obstruct traffic. Safety first, even for festive decorations!
Oh someone is getting arrested below.
#4. No Offensive Smells on Christmas Eve: In Texas, it's illegal to have an odor that may offend someone on Christmas Eve. This could include overly pungent holiday cooking.
Am I wrong to suggest fruitcake should be outlawed altogether?
#5 No More Than Three Sips of Beer While Standing: In Texas, it's illegal to take more than three sips of beer while standing up. This quirky law might make holiday parties a bit challenging if you prefer to stand while enjoying a beverage.
Ummm...can you imagine being the guy at the party making all of these citizen's arrests?
#6. Unattended Christmas Lights: In Temple, Texas, it's against the law to have unattended Christmas lights on your house. You'd have to keep an eye on those holiday decorations at all times!
Wait.. does leaving your Christmas lights up year-round constitute a reprimand?
#7. No Christmas Decorations Before December 1st: In San Marcos, there's a law that prohibits putting up Christmas decorations before December 1st. Obviously, Hobby Lobby doesn't know about this Texas law!
Merry Everything Y'all!
Truly Texas Christmas Ornaments
Gallery Credit: TSM/ILS
Christmas Wonderland