Kraft Cooks Up Pink Mac N Cheese for Valentine’s Day
There hasn't been much room for romance since the outbreak of the coronavirus began last year. I mean, we need to social distance. We need to wear a mask, or two, or ten. It makes ya wonder how young people are supposed to meet and fall in love when we all look like this?
Intern Alex is the best. We're still getting a good laugh out of her photo titled "Extreme Caution". The point is, Valentine's Day is coming up fast and since you can't kiss through a mask this holiday will once again require the resilient imagination of the American people to make it feel all lovey-dovey.
KXAN.com shared the news which is spreading fast about the Pink Kraft Macaroni and Cheese that is about to hit shelves. It's much more of a candy treat than it is a quick and easy lunch but that's ok. Kraft Heinz Company says, "No more noodling on what gift to buy."
So it's Mac and Cheese like you have made for years but in addition to the mysterious cheese powder that comes in the Kraft box, there is also a special packet to turn it all pink and makes it taste like candy. Someone should try to use the pink packet on a chia-pet and see what happens.
How do we get ahold of the Pink Kraft goodness? Well, ya got to sign up to win one. 1000 winners in all will receive a kit to make this Valentine's dish, and if you win, it will be delivered to your door by February 14th. You can enter to win here.
If you happen to be one of the lucky winners, you are supposed to make the creation and then share it online using the hashtag #CandyKraftMacandCheese! Enjoy! Let's see it turns your teeth pink.