Lego Pulls Advertising for Police-Themed Toys Amid Black Lives Matter Protests
Lego has ceased advertising for police-themed building sets in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.
The LEGO Group took a firm stance against racial injustice in the wake of George Floyd's murder and the thousands of protests going on around the world. In an email obtained by The Toy Book, the company asked retailers to stop marketing product listings involving police officers and the White House.
"We requested that our affiliate partners refrain from posting promotional LEGO content as part of our decision to respect #BlackOutTuesday and pause posting content on our social media channels in response to the tragic events in the US," a Lego spokesperson told the website. "We regret any misunderstanding and will ensure that we are clearer about our intentions in the future."
The letter to retailers featured a list of more than 30 police-themed building sets, including police officers, firefighters, criminals, emergency vehicles, police stations and police dog units.
You can see the full product list, below:
Lego also publicly pledged their support for the black community on Wednesday (June 3), writing, "We stand with the black community against racism and inequality. There is much to do."
In their statement, the toy manufacturer announced that it will be donating $4 million dollars to "organizations dedicated to supporting black children and educating all children about racial equality."