Olivia Chisholm Eliminated on ‘Duets’
On tonight’s (July 5) live episode of ‘Duets,’ the elimination took place at the top of the episode, as opposed to the end, since fans voted last week on who to keep and who to send home. Bridget Carrington and Olivia Chisholm camped out in the bottom two and faced being bounced, with Chisholm ultimately being sent home. It’s weird for a reality show to reveal the results first, but this show works differently.
Chisholm (and her amazing legs) dueted with mentor Robin Thicke each week and she always did well. But she never really killed it. She had the look and the moves, and a very capable voice, but she never asserted herself in a way that made her more memorable and that’s likely why the voting audience sent her packing instead of to the final four.
When Chisholm and Thicke attempted Beyonce’s ‘Crazy in Love,’ they made a total mess out of it, too. Overall, we were more struck by Chisholm’s stems than by her performances. But really, there’s nothing wrong with that, either. Or is there?
Olivia (and her shimmery, shiny and in shape gams, which were showcased each and every week in an array of super short mini dresses) will be missed as the season winds down, but there is a healthy chance we might see her again.