Master the Dos and Don’ts of Making Sure Your Resume Stands Out to Land the Job of Your Dreams
If you’re having trouble landing a job, maybe it’s time to look at your resume the way a hiring manager or recruiter would and learn what they like — and what will send your application straight to the trash.
Most hiring managers say they spend less than one minute reviewing each resume they get, so you don’t have much time to make a good impression.
First and foremost: make sure your resume is free of typos, because more than 60 percent of the hiring managers recently surveyed by CareerBuilder said they automatically dismiss typo-laden documents.
Also, don’t copy a bunch of wording from the job posting and plunk it into your resume, thinking it’ll make you seem more qualified for the position — that’s another kiss of death. And make sure the email address on your resume is not only current, but professionally appropriate (that’s not the place to brag about your love of binge drinking).
Focus on your skills and the results they got for previous employers, and keep your resume readable by using paragraph breaks to keep it from looking like a big wall of text. And never include your photo on a standard resume — no matter how attractive your mom says you are.
So what can you do to stand out? Rosemary Haefner, vice president of human resources at CareerBuilder, said, “We see more people using infographics, QR codes and visual resumes to package their information in new and interesting ways.”
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