9 Sloths Who Are Working for the Weekend
We love sloths. There's no question. But we can't spend all day looking at them online-- sometimes we have to take a break to order food from Seamless or run a damp sponge over our body. Worse, sometimes we actually have to leave the apartment. To combat this, we've taken sloths and given them everyday jobs, so we can imagine the people we have to talk to are sloths while we're talking to them. That's normal, right?
Plus, it gives the sloth community a better reputation. They aren't sloth-ful, they're work-ful. (Yes, that's not a word. Look, sloths in people clothes!)
Sloth Barista
Emerald CatronEmerald Catron He'll make your coffee when he feels like it (probably never.)
Sloth Chef
Emerald CatronEmerald Catron Pioneering the slow foods movement. (GET IT?!)
Sloth Postman
Emerald CatronEmerald Catron Personally responsible for shutting down Saturday service.
Sloth Teacher
Emerald CatronEmerald Catron Turn in your term paper as late as you want!
Sloth Photographer
Emerald CatronEmerald Catron Hold that pose. For a long, long time.
Sloth Trucker
Emerald CatronEmerald Catron At least he doesn't speed down the highway.
Sloth Scientist
Emerald CatronEmerald Catron Probably studying the bacteria from his own fur.
Sloth Gardener
Emerald CatronEmerald Catron Grow flowers, then poop in them!
Sloth Secretary
Emerald CatronEmerald Catron The only possible reason 311 keeps us on hold for as long as they do.