Super Bowl LIII
This Sunday is Super Bowl LIII...yea I had to google it's 53! The Rams and The Pats are going toe to toe. Although I'm a Texans Fan, I can't wait to see the outcome. Every year the family piles into our living room, stacked with my signature SnackFest! A table lined with artichoke dip, pizza, ranch dip, shrimp cocktail, cream puffs, cookies, chips, hot wings, and the best croissant ring chicken salad sandwiches! Though not all of our family enjoys football, they do come out for the fun, food, halftime show, and of course the hilarious commercials.
So let's do a break down. This is the 3rd consecutive year The Pats have been to the Super Bowl, and The Rams...well they haven't been to the Super Bowl since 2002. The match up was against the Pats, so I know they don't want a repeat because they lost. Now the The Pats won their last Super Bowl in 2017, but it's been since 2000 that The Rams claimed the title of Super Bowl Champs.
I have to say I'm rooting for the Rams even though I think the Saints should have won that match up leading up to the Super Bowl...bad calls/no calls enough said. Who are you rooting for?