Survey Reveals Most Americans Would Rather Be Poor Than Fat
When it comes to tipping the scales, we'd rather have our huge bank accounts do it and not our huge bellies.
A survey of more than 2,000 Americans over the age of 18 has found that most of us would rather owe money than pack on weight. To be more specific, 72% would rather maintain the debt they currently have than gain 25 pounds and be totally debt-free.
Our physical appearance seems to be a huge concern – 64% say they focus more on their physical appearance than their debt. A total of 68% of women agree with that, as opposed to 61% of men. In total, 70% of all respondents are more worried about their physical health than their financial well-being.
All of these statistics fall in line with research that says Americans routinely save less than 5% of their disposable income annually and only 25% of us save enough money to survive for at least six months.