I can say without shame that I'm a full-grown adult and I love onesie pajamas. They're kind of goofy but they're warm and fun and I think everyone should try them at least once. With temperatures dropping, the time is now! Now's your chance to jump into a onesie and see what the fuss is about.
Each year the crossroads area has the opportunity to help hundreds of students in need in our community. Restoration House Ministries Jeans for Teens is gearing up for their annual drive on August 21st. There are so many kids in our area in need of clothing for their school year. F...
The stocking were hung by the chimney with care......yes Christmas is right around the corner!! How about a little shopping??? The Victoria Christmas Faire is gearing up for their 2nd annual Christmas Faire!! What better way to get a jump start on your Christmas shopping...
We get it...summers almost over and it is time for back to school. That means school activities, lunches, carpools, and of course shopping!! I love taking my girls and getting them ready for back to school. Yes, I know it can get a little overwhelming...
While the American public has been more than a bit slavish in its dedication to all things Kardashian in recent years, a new allegation claims actual slave labor is involved in generating part of the family’s $65 million annual income.
Star magazine says workers in China — some as young as 16 — earn only $1 an hour while toiling away up to 84 hours a week in hot, squalid conditions to manufacture