If you drive around the city of Victoria pretty much any day of the week, you'll see panhandlers on numerous street corners soliciting donations. Some of these people are homeless for whatever reason, and some may be finding places to camp when their day is done...
Join us in helping start the 2018 school year off right for hundreds of students in need in our community...
Restoration House Ministries Jeans for Teens is accepting donations of clean, trendy school clothing appropriate for children and teens(Boys and Girls) from elementary-high school...
Each year the crossroads area has the opportunity to help hundreds of students in need in our community. Restoration House Ministries Jeans for Teens is gearing up for their annual drive on August 21st. There are so many kids in our area in need of clothing for their school year. F...
Due to the recent hurricane, Victoria is seeing remarkably high numbers of homeless students and families in our area. We currently have 875 children that are considered homeless enrolled in VISD. This total does not even reflect the children that are unidentified or teens that are too embarrassed to ask for help...
There's been a lot of talk here in Victoria lately about whether or not we should give money to people who ask for donations on street corners. How do we know if the person is really in need? How do we know they'll use the money for something important instead of drugs or alcohol?
You Tuber Josh Paler Lin conducted a little social experiment recently, where he gave a random homeless man on the str
Just when we thought we'd seen it all, an Odessa man posts a Craigslist ad seeking a homeless girl as a roommate in exchange for cooking, cleaning, cuddling and satiating his "high sex drive."
Three Orlando citizens who were only trying to do a good deed ended up behind bars on Wednesday. They were part of the international charity organization, "Food Not Bombs," a group that provides meals to those without.