Texas Is #1…For Alcohol Consumed During Coronavirus
Have you ever wondered how people handle a crisis situation? Well, look no further for the information you seek than that of Twitter. For you see, it is on Twitter where data has been compiled that shows over 200,000 tweets were tracked, and a bulk of those messages are of Texans proudly displaying their defiance of COVID-19 by drinking alcohol.
How was this information gathered you may ask? Well, I believe it is called SOCIAL media for a reason. As you know, once it is online everyone can see it. As people are tweeting their updates and notices about how they are coping with this pandemic, they are also geotagging their messages as well. If you are not familiar with that term, geotagging is when you include some form of geographical identification (like a pic with you in a bar, or a video of you walking downtown into a restaurant). Rest assured, putting together this information is not data mining. It's not like people are hacking into Twitter and pulling out droves of secret data files to compile lists. Tweets are fair game and it is rather simple to pull a list of information when you know what you're looking for.
So, Party On Texas! Let the other 49 states choke on our dust as they trail behind our superiority of alcohol consumption during a crisis. If you want more information on this, check out the article written by KENS-5 by clicking here.

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