Texas Woman Killed by 19-Year-Old Friend in a ‘Fit of Rage’
A Texas woman was killed in a fit of rage after she reminded a vicious man of his ex-girlfriend.
Lakeeta Jordan, mother of 18-year-old Deja Shanece Hood out of Tyler, Texas became concerned after she could not get a hold of her daughter. Jordan told Tyler police it was very “out of character” for her daughter to not respond to calls or disappear without telling anyone where she would be.
Before her disappearance, Hood had been hanging out with Jamaurea Britton. Tyler police contacted Britton and that's when everything was revealed.
According to Britton, he had picked up Hood and a 1-year-old she was taking care of. Hood was going to help Britton pack up his apartment to help prepare for a move. Britton told investigators that while Hood was at his apartment she briefly left to talk to someone in a truck. Eventually came back inside and told Britton she was leaving.
According to Britton, once Hood and the child left, he went back to work. However, he said Hood called her while he was working and asked if he could pick her up again. Britton went back to his apartment but when he got there he noticed the young child was under the stairwell with Hood nowhere to be seen. Britton claimed he took the child to Hood's apartment.
In another interview with investigators, Britton admitted to the unthinkable. Britton claimed while he was hanging out with Hood she had playfully pulled his ear. The gesture reminded him of his ex-girlfriend and that's when he completely snapped.
Britton strangled Hood and beat her with an object in a 'fit of rage.' After he believed she was dead he put a gun in his mouth but before he was able to commit suicide, someone knocked on the door. Britton covered the scene up and let the person at the door know everything was okay.
Britton then took the 1-year-old child to Hood's mother's apartment. When Britton returned home he noticed Hood was still alive, that's when he got a kitchen knife and began to stab her and wrapped her body in a trash bag, tape, and a large bed sheet.
Britton tried finishing up by tossing Hood's body over a fence and covering it with leaves.
Britton was arrested and charged with Murder.
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