V.I.S.D. Starts Tomorrow Here is What to Expect
Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 18th, VISD starts their school year with remote learning online.
Here is what parents and students can expect, at least for the first few weeks of school.
VISD offers its informative VISD's Safe Start-Strong Start online at covid.visd.net. Included in the brochure are all of the plans and information parents may be looking for as the first day of school fast approaches.
CHECK OUT THEIR NEWEST WEBSITE, COVID.VISD.NET for mainstream information today.
VISD starts online instruction tomorrow Tuesday, August 18th.
In-school instruction will be an option beginning Sept. 8th.
Online classes start at 7:30 am for high school students.
Online classes start at 8:00 am for elementary school students.
Online classes start at 8:30 am for middle school students.
With every staff member and student in VISD online at once, there will likely be glitches. Please be patient and know your student will not be penalized if there are issues. Your best resource for issues will be to email your student's teacher directly.
If you or someone you know has yet to register for the school year, please register today. You can register online at visd.net. Parents needing further assistance with registration can contact their child’s campus or call (361) 576-3131.
Dr. Shepherd offered in a recent statement that VISD is still waiting for an estimated 2,000 plus laptops to be delivered as well as 1,200 hotspots for students to access remote learning. Dr. Shepard states, "Some of this is directly related to “Operation Connectivity” from the Governor’s office and coordinated through the Texas Education Agency." Dr. Shepherd has committed to keeping the community informed as more technology arrives.
VISD offers that families can expect a daily schedule that includes both live, interactive sessions led by the teacher (synchronous instruction) and at-home, self-paced learning and independent practice supported by the family (asynchronous instruction) as well as provide high-quality instruction including, but not limited to: live lessons or recorded lessons or videos along with at-home, hands-on activities, and online assignments/projects. VISD will continue to monitor student progress and communicate with the family regularly. As stated on the VISD website;
- Teacher interaction with students will be predictable, following a regular, clearly-defined schedule.
- Teachers will schedule live, interactive sessions with students and will have daily office hours during which they will be available to provide additional instructional support to parents and students.
- Students will be expected to participate in live learning sessions and submit assignments on a daily basis (Monday - Friday).
During remote learning all grades can expect; daily interactions with the teacher, TEKS-aligned curriculum following the district’s scope and sequence, formal and informal assessments designed to monitor student progress, continued opportunities to review and reinforce essential skills, specifically designed resources and/or accommodations and modifications to support students with disabilities, English Learners and students in need of enrichment.
This means for the 2020-2021 school year, remote instruction for students requires a strong partnership between the teacher and family. Reaching out early to VISD is the best way to ensure the start of the school year runs as smoothly for your student as possible.
For the most up to date and complete report of VISD's Safe Start-Strong Start plan click here. It covers VISD's safety plans, daily schedules for online and face to face instruction, the instructional continuity documents, VISD's learning plans as well as updates and information about technology.
For a look at VISD's school year calendar click here.
Also, if students are registered but still needing technology (device and/or hotspot), parents should reach out to the campus.
We wish all students, teachers, and administrators, a successful school year.

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