Want A Dog Park In Victoria? Here Is Who You Need to Know.

A 16-year-old is leading the charge for Victoria's dog parks and she can't wait to meet you!
Do you ever wonder what the next generation of Victorians will bring to the community? It's with the future in mind that we'd like to introduce you to one young lady who is blazing the way for our beloved fur babies, and the growth of our community by ensuring the success of Victoria's first dog parks.
Her name is Elizabeth Drane, and she is only 16 years old.
Elizabeth, known as Izzy amongst family, friends, and fur babies, is passionate about animals and if you are truly interested in seeing dog parks open in the Crossroads, please introduce yourself to her and join in her campaign.
Izzy will be building the future for our dog parks, one brick at a time.
Her project is called Riverside Bark and it's a cooperative effort along with the City of Victoria and Victoria Parks and Recreation. In fact, it was Izzy who came to a council meeting and offered to spearhead the project herself. The idea is to build brick walkways to the dog parks that residents and supporters can sponsor by dedicating bricks to their pets as a way to create future and fun amenities like an agility course for the dog parks in design within the Master Plan at Parks and Recreation.
As a Girl Scout, Izzy will also incorporate this project into her final Gold Award.
Jason Alfaro, Director of Victoria Parks and Recreation offered his thoughts on Izzy on the City of Victoria Parks and Recreation page.
“She’s a go-getter—very smart and well-spoken,” Alfaro said. “Working with her has been a fun and positive experience for all of us, and we appreciate the work she’s done to reignite interest in this project.”
Here is what inspired Izzy; her love for animals and her love for going BIG.
"We can choose to do a final project in Girl Scouts which is called a Gold Award. It has to be sustainable for your community and I've always wanted to do something for animals. Two years ago I started thinking about the dog park and most people thought this was too big of an idea. Of course, me being me, I wanted to do something different, I'm an overachiever." Izzy laughs. "I wrote the proposal and it was approved right away! It was perfect timing" Izzy offers.
Izzy says her love for animals is endless, almost indescribable.
Her plan for her future includes studying lions in Africa.
What can the community do to help?
Izzy offers that the brick fundraiser is where we can start if we are truly invested in dog parks for the future. She has put together a Facebook page under Riverside Bark which you can access here to join her in the campaign and to find more information. You are also welcome to email her at izzydrane05@gmail.com for more information. She is available to come to speak to your business or organization as well.
Please share this with anyone you know who is interested in Victoria dog parks.
Izzy is one of our next generation of Crossroads leaders on the way to great things all inspired by her love of animals and the improvement of our community.
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